Friday, June 17, 2011

Million Dollar Billy, Part Duex

On Nov. 9, 2009, then-candidate Long sat down for a short interview (see video below) with Josh Marsh, Morning News Watch host on KZRG radio in Joplin, Mo.During the interview, he spoke about the hardships and sacrifices he was willing to make if voters in southwest Missouri elected him to Congress:

“You have to sell your business. If you have a fiduciary business, you have to sell that, so I’ve gotta walk away from a business I built up for 30 years. Who’s gonna buy it without me there? Answer: Nobody. Whoever I sell it to has to take my name off of it. Now, what’s it worth? Absolutely nothing.

“I own a third interest in the largest real estate company in Springfield; I have to sell that. Do you want to buy a real estate company today? You know, they’re not worth anything, and I have to give up my real estate broker’s license.”

On 04/30/2011 Billy Long was, according to documents filed with the MO Secretary of State's office, the president of Billy Long, Inc.

On his financial disclosure form for 2010, Billy Long states that he resigned his position on January 1, 2011 and "no longer an officer or shareholder."

On 04/30/2011, the following document was filed with the MO Secretary of State's office: Barbara Long is now the president of Billy Long, Inc.

Billy Long, in papers filed with MO Secretary of State on 04/30/2011, is no longer an officer of shareholder of Billy Long, Inc.

Couple of things....what did Billy do with his shares of Billy Long, Inc? If he sold them or gave them away, shouldn't that have been reflected somewhere in his financial disclosure? If he put those shares in a blind trust, shouldn't that have been reflected somewhere in his financial disclosure? If he gave them to his wife, shouldn't that have been reflected somewhere in his financial disclosure?

Then there is that quote of Billy's: “You have to sell your business. If you have a fiduciary business, you have to sell that, so I’ve gotta walk away from a business I built up for 30 years. Who’s gonna buy it without me there? Answer: Nobody. Whoever I sell it to has to take my name off of it. Now, what’s it worth? Absolutely nothing."

As of 04/30/2011 Billy Long, Inc was still in business with a new owner (ok, so the new owner is Billy's wife, regardless, she's still the new owner) and Billy's name is still on the door.

And did Billy give up his broker's license?

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